Gardens below Prague Castle

Character of castles and chateaux in Czech republic

Most historical chateaux available in Czech republic are conservatively looking buildings without towers, rebuilt to their today´s appearance in the years when empire, clasicism or baroque style were fashionable. Nearly all of them have roots going back to middle ages when landlords had nearly in every village a small castle with ramparts and moat. In later centuries most of these castles were rebuilt to chateaux, some of the medieval fortresses survived in their original for till these days.

This explains why there are quite many castles and chateaux for sale here. At the moment some 20 are advertised, many others could be available upon request. Many are forgotten by their owners, sometimes standing in the middle of agricultural buildings. They are not so attractive, but a history lover with no ambition for grand residence might get them real cheap, e.g. for a price of a smaller apartment in Prague.

Largest demand among buyers is for smaller chateaux with sizeable parks that would be close to capital Prague. These are usually in higher price range and are bought as family residence or company headquarters. But you can find some of them that are reasonably priced and can be purchased for around one million euro or little more. Castles with large floor areas of several thousand square meters can sometimes be cheaper than their smaller counterparts with floor areas below 900 sq. meters. Larger buildings have to be used for business purposes to justify the maintenance bill. Usual business plan for larger castles is home for the elderly or plastic surgery clinic. This sort of use guarantees utilisation all year round with no need to have tourist attractions in neighbourhood as would be the case with hotels. Plastic surgery in Czechia is of high standard, has good reputation and is cheaper than in most Western countries.

After the second world war most private chateaux and castles were nationalised and in the beginning of the nineties more than one half of them were returned to the heirs of the original owners. Significan part of castles remains in state hands, many of them were state owned even before the war. After the war Nazis property was added to the the number of state owned chateaux. confiscated to the Nazis remained in state hands. Some castles were sold to private hands by the municipalities. The new owners in most cases did not have any emotional bonds to the newly acquired property and decided to sell them. In the chateaux that are now for sale there are usually many historical and architectural elements preserved - like frescoes, stuccos, chaples, fireplaces etc. Most of the chateax and castles are for the first time mentioned in written documents some 700 years ago.